Applications Open For Academic Year 2024-25

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Our Committees

Parents Association

JC Group aims at carrying out its mission through vigorous involvement of the entire school community by an effective communication structure.

The parent-teacher association of JC Group is an active body of the School. Every parent and teacher is a member of the association, as we strongly believe that parents and teachers must work together with children to improve the quality of education.

The parent-teacher association at JC Group is devoted to the educational success of its students and shares a collective vision and mutual purpose in education.

The main objectives of the parent-teacher association are:

  • To foster co-operation among parents, teachers and educationists with the view of devising ways and means to help the students to become well adjusted citizens.
  • To bring together parents, teachers and school authorities to work for the overall improvement in the diverse needs of children.
  • To create necessary consciousness among parents to stimulate their interest in their children’s education and in the school

The parent-teacher association is purely educational, non commercial, non sectarian and non political and will not interfere with the administrative matters of the school at all.

Child Protection Committee

We, at JC Group adopt a policy of Zero Tolerance for any kind of abuse to our children giving rise to the formation of a Child Protection Committee.

Everybody’s job is to ensure that our child is safe. We at JC Group go to great lengths such that a child is safe and secure and we bear a moral responsibility towards each and every child’s safety.

This is the ethos behind the endeavor of forming a Child protection Committee at JC Group. We as a committee of likeminded fellow human beings strive to work out a stringent policy of Zero Tolerance towards child abuse in any form be it verbal or physical.

We strongly believe that it the basic human right of a child to be safe and secure. We adopt very strong measures of punishment in case anybody is found guilty of child abuse s

The Committee consists of:

Mr. Umesh Pandya

Mr. Jignesh Patel

Mr. Neeraj Nanda

Ms. Parul Prajapati


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